Welcome to The Tomb, Adventurer. The Tomb of Karzula is located in the centre of the Dark woods, The Tomb currently has 12 floors inside it, each Floor descending lower into the deep abyss. For many our intentions might not be Known, And that is good for we do not want to reveal Ourselves too quickly. Apprentice Knights must complete training by the Knight commander to prove their loyalty to the Tomb so they can be ranked up. Magic casters are special gifted individuals that come from the Mage kingdom, Overseen by Mere, Floor guardian of the 2nd floor. Bound Souls are Individuals tainted by Lord Echo's magic and serve him without free will. The Domain Guardians are specifically chosen entities that serve directly under their selected Floor Guardian. They also guard a small area of the floor depending on their master. The Floor guardians Guard their Selective floors in the Tomb and each individually have their own armies, They answer directly to Lord Echo.