Join this ggrooup obc or not im making a army of bcers obcer tbcers Members of Outrageous Builders Club are VIP ROBLOXians. They are the cream of the crop. The Outrageous Builders Club is a paid premium service. Members receive 100 places, 100 groups, 60 ROBUX per day, unlock the Outrageous website theme, get access to the CEO and devs of ROBLOX through Outrageous-cast, and many other benefits. srry now not allowing any more tbc ATTENTION WHEN YOU ASK TO JOIN THE GROUP HOLD THE GOLD HAND SO I DONT HAVE TO WASTE MY TIME LOOKING AT YOURE PROFILE TO SE IF YOURE OBC OR IF YOUR JUST TBC OR BC ----------------- ITS A OBC ARMMY BEAT MY WOODEN OBBY AND PM ME WHEN U DO FOR ADMIN FOR BC/TBC/OBC FOR OBC WHO WANN BE GREAT OBC MEMBERS BEAT buy MY doonation SHIRT pm me then BUY MY FIRST SHIRT PLZ DONATE