Bacon Federal Republic, a group formed for the sole purpose of uniting bacons and sticking together. We have and will remain founded on the principles of what the Bible teaches and the 10 amendments. We do allow other religions. Just because we want unity doesn’t mean there will always be unity. We will have to battle to be united. Formally a Republic due to difficulty keeping it a republic. Government: Elective Autocracy We vote every 4 months for new leader Candidates for the election can only be generals and the current leader. Winners of the election must elect a vice president. Group Status: Active / No War Group Moto: Victory at all costs Rules : NO ADVERTISING NO BULLYING NO DISRESPECT NO DISOBEDIENCE NO LYING Freedom of speech is allowed, everything included. Wars won: 19 Wars lost: 2 The Return of the Bacons Founded May 18th 2021 Reign under Bacon Fed 5/8/21 - 2/24/24 Bacon Federal Republic founded 4/30/24 August 7th End of Conqueror and Crimsenred is president