'What is Doge may never die' Background: Hello, welcome to Dogeblox. The much amazing group on Roblox. I created a group a while back, all I really did was advertise the heck out of it. Then I went inactive and now I am back. Currently I am learning LUA as one day I hope to develop a popular game on Roblox. What is Dogeblox? Dogeblox is a fun little group where I hope people can share their interest in the internet meme doge. I am to expand on that as I am learning to build in Roblox as well as a scripting hoping to create a base for the group. Soon™ I am hoping to create some other uniform for those who do not want to wear the Doge costume. If you would like to join the clan PM me and I will try to get around to it. Your Doge Whisperer, Conistiree