Don't forget our community server. (Please dont harass others we kill/fight) (Also we are not antifur some of us may be but please don’t blame us for it.) (Group Icon made by Rhyskall credit to him Quotes "I believe independent and justice to all" -JustWrath/Z(ItzErRoR66) "The Gummy pups will always Suffer. -attackontitans12 "Remember to buy shirts so I can feed my kids" Mel WE ARE B.E.A.R WE WILL RAID GAMES WE WILL DROP THE LINK IN THE SHOUTS WHEN WE ARE RAIDING "WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO B.E.A.R ARMS" -AldJ76528 (Info for members) CODE R = Rainbow pup nearby (yes we raid Kaiju Paradise aswell as the experimental) 2319 = Hostile inbound/Hostile nearby CODE G = GROUP OF ATTACKERS NEAR CODE C:Dirty camper camping again for the millionth time CODE P: Dirty pup stole something CODE D: MANY UNITS DOWN OR DEAD CODE T: TERMINATE ANYTHING IN SIGHT. CODE SP: Theres a traitor in our mist CODE H: Theres a sweaty kid trying his heart out “Have fun yall!!” - Prismati_c