Wolves of Lykos Canyon

Roblox Group

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10 years ago
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2 years ago
Stats Updated
1 month ago


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The alpha test is now live! You can access the game from my profile. I hope you all enjoy it!
4 years ago


Fan of Lykos Canyon? Then you should join this group. Never played Lykos Canyon? Then you should play it. Never heard of Lykos Canyon? Now you have. So go play it right now. Here you can talk about the game, read info from about updates for the game, or just stop wasting your life here and go play my game... right now. 

-No advertising games, items, etc. 
-No more than 3 posts in a row on the wall. (Nobody likes spam...unless it's from my long lost relative in Nigeria who has millions of dollars to give me.) 
-Be respectful to other people, (that means you francis) 

Try reading before making posts on the wall. Chances are if you have a question, someone else has already asked it and got an answer.

*Custom Morphs*
Custom morphs are currently off sale. I have now begun construction on the latest batch of custom morphs and will announce when they have all been finished and added to the game.


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