Welcome to the outrageous group. This is the official one. Also pls subscribe to my channel outrageous creators. Here are the roles for the group. 🤑outrageous army🤑 📸outrageous Youtubers📸 🤑outrageous admins🤑 🍩outrageous helpers🍩 😎Newest outrageous people 😎 ❌ suspended creators❌ 👑🤑outrageous creators🤑👑 Rules: 1.have fun 2.Do anything you want 3. Just pls don’t bully 4. No spamming or else you go to the suspended role for a day. If you say sorry you get let out but if you do it again you will get sent there for the day. If you bully again your suspension will become longer My hobbies: I like to play basketball and many other sports. I like to play with Rubik’s cubes and solves them. I like to play roblox a lot lol.