Join it! SPORTSMANSHIP: Always be humble; no matter how good you are, or think you are. (NO GLITCHING OF ANY SORT!) RANKS: Rookies - Welcome rookies! You're on your way to become an IStrong. Huge Wannabe's and Wannabe's - The worst of the worst, unsportsmanlike or they cheat! IStrong - 10+ PP, you're now an IStrong! You're one of us! IStrongPeasant - 20+ PP IStrongAmateur - 35+ PP IStrongElitist - 50+ PP IStrongIdol - 75+ You're an Idol! A lot of hard work! IStrongMasters - 100+ PP You've been playing for a long time! This took a lot of effort! IStrongGods - 150+ PP You're a veteran, a monster. You are now, a God of the NFL. IStrongLegends - The greatest of the great. The true monsters... The strongest of the strong... Can be beaten by almost nobody. You are required to be some of the best and first IStrongs to be graced by this rank.