This is the Official Escape The Krusty Krab Obby Fac Club/Group. Your more than welcome to post what you liked and disliked about the game. Please try and use a good choice of words, this is a kids game mind you. Any and all suggestions are also welcome. Terms and conditions to this group: We will not tolerate bullying of any kind inside of this group between members or against our members, if you are caught in our group bullying others you will be kicked out permanently. Don't post anything mean if you don't like someone or something *Including escape the krusty krab obby game itself don't join this group. And Finally, Posting cheats, Threats of account deleting unless completing a task, hacks, or free robux is also not tolerated and directly violates Roblox Terms and conditions as well as ours you will be kicked out of this group if you are caught posting this in our group immediately