Welcome to Venua Thank you for joining our group, We have Rules for the group! [Rules] 1.Do not scam other member 2.Do not Trashtalk members. 3.Do not Post Rude from the group 4.Respect The Admin's and moderators 5.Do not post any CF,Ros,Lol, etc. (Reminders) - We have Penalty's if you do anything bad. (Penalty) - Mute 24/7 - Kicked from the group. - Banned in group {We need from the group} - Reporters - Moderators - Middle Manm --------------------------- Owner of the group - #### #### ##### Admin - Zęus Sevillena Middle man - Xycrone Vane PS: if you wanna be one of the Staff in our group we need to see all of your Sucess just message Zeus Sevillena for that.