anti-scammers bye bye scammers

Roblox Group

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3 years ago
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2 years ago
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2 hours ago


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(notice) the shirts in this group will no longer affect your rank as i am planning on retiring from this group in the future but i will stay owner of the group but someone else might be set as co owner, stay tuned for more info
1 month ago


help me get rid of scammers for good rules: no scamming, group/game advertising is aloud, don't miss group events because they are rare, don't be mean, have fun, report scammers, do whatever it takes to get rid of scammers, and be kind but not to scammers. this group is an anti-scammer themed group to try and stop scamming. I add games when I get inspiration so give me some of that awesome stuff. also, there are too game logos to show you if it's a random game or an anti-scammer game.  don't advertise if you are just going to leave the group.  I don't give admin because it is too chaotic and because I deleted that rank. you are only aloud to advertise once a week.


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