Hello and welcome to FishyRobux! 👋✋ If you want to join, just do, we accept every request! --------------------------------- ABOUT THE GROUP: 😎 -Made in July, 2020 -Owner: TIG -Co-Owner: TIGK -NOT the actual Fishy Blocks group -Made for fun! FUN-FACT ABOUT THIS GROUP: ☹️ -No one cares so let‘s skip this ROLES: 🤪 -CEO - President: The owner (Me) -Assistants: Family & Friends of mine -Visitors: Normal members / strangers -Guests: People who joined the group, and left afterwards. RULES: 😡 -No bullying ❌ -No fighting ❌ -No scamming ❌ -No spamming ❌ -Don’t ask for Robux ❌ -No exploiting ❌ -Follow The Owner ✅ If you break any of the rules, I will kick you, and you will never return man. ROLES: (Again): 😰 -CEO: TIGeo -Assistants: Unimportant weirdos -Visitors: Everyone else -Guests: Traitors, why leave when you can stay? Yu are as hawt as the sun“ (Sun R i z z) Bye.