| STATUS: REFORMING | | Opened on June 29, 2021 | "Disparagingly referred to as "UIUseless" by the larger anomalous community, the agency is generally well-meaning, but due to a lack of financial resources, little manpower, and bureaucratic obstruction by the US Government, it is often perceived as ineffective. The influence of the Foundation and Global Occult Coalition in the United States Government has stopped the UIU from being dissolved entirely." - ACF-Apollo administration description The UIU currently is a distinct agency serving under the US Gov. Formed during the directorship of J. Edgar H. it was an agency made to combat the Soviet Union's GRU-P. Now with the fall of the USSR, the UIU has inadequate funding, only being fueled by the maintenance of the T-Portlands dimension and through some help of the SCP Foundation. If you wish to join the UIU, please join its main communication pathway through disco.