Server: gg\sonicultimatemania Welcome, we are the group of the official revival of the game called: "Sonic Ultimate Mania"! It's a game by Jaylenster_RBLX, and since that game no longer is being updated, we will be remaking the game! Sonic Ultimate Mania was the old game made by the creator, once was loved during it's era, but now that era has come to the end, but now that same creator is remaking the game along with adding new additional content, so be sure to stick around, cause we will be going for a long time! Game has been released July 16th, 2024 and is now receiving monthly - bi-monthly updates! :D Our games below! Sonic Ultimate Mania (2024): EXE Standalone RP: OLD BUT STILL BELONG TO THE ORIGINAL OWNER! Sonic Ultimate Aftermath: Sonic Ultimate Mania (2018-2019)