Welcome to Major Roblox League Baseball! "Baseball at its finest" Here, we welcome everyone from all skill levels. We have very talented team owners, who are here to help you with anything you need! Anyone here is willing to train you, and help you get better as long as you ask. We also have some of the best, most detailed, and most non-free modeled fields! All of our fields have either been built by our developing crew, given to us by some of the best roblox, or purchased with some of the robux that you guys have provided to us! From all of the High Ranks in the group, we welcome you to MRLB and we hope you have a great experience. We also say thank you for everything you've done for us! Links to the MRLB rulebook and stat sheet: pastebin/TZM8248C (add a ,com next to pastebin) All jersey rights are provided to King_Cody. If you need customs, King_Cody has jerseys for you!