Official continuation of the original Boomer Audio Club Ominous and meaningless yet meaningful lyrics.. a guitar solo.. meaningless excitement.. and the smooth atonal sound of a drum solo *sipp!* yup, now THIS is music We’re just some dudes who upload old songs onto Roblox, that’s pretty much all you needa know. If you wish to get the "Audio Creator" role, simply show us proof that you have uploaded a song (preferably old, we like them older around here ;) ), and eventually you'll be given the rank. ** Be sure to join our server if you wish to stay up to date, we don't really use our Roblox group page. Additionally, our server is home to a ton of audio codes ** Here is the invite: hrjWDTVewN ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Originally Founded by oskar398 on 28/09/2019, the account was banned as it fell victim to hook-nosed copyright trolls