4 nubs only u noob Plz dont advort them other groupz If u doz dat the mrssage wzll be dlted ---- --------------------_-_-------`---_------ ulta n00b reserved for my doodz or somin ---- --------__-----------_-_-------`---_------ x] l3l gG nOpE nBz ----------------------___---- - motto- only be mlg pro, haters gonna hate, win all. ---- --4----+------------_-_-------`---_------+= noobs are cool be noobs lol lololol toll peepz plox 1337 cool if u jhoin free cl8n ivnite ------+-----=----_----_---------------- we are clan becuz im rich lololol nubs. we win all you h8ters (P.S. This is obviously a joke group. We have fun here.)