♛ ═════════════════════════ DESCRIPTION ═════════════════════════ ♛ Enshrined is a sword fighting clan originating from the Saruyama Pirates after their shutdown on July 28th, 2023. Although the Saruyama Pirates had a successful conquest, Enshrined will dominate and push the limits even further than what previous eras had ever done. ♛ ═════════════════════════ WAR RECORD (4-0) ═════════════════════════ ♛ VICTORIES: 🏆Draughtbanes (3-1) 🏆Astrelia & Sock Clan (2-0) (with VF) 🏆Yukio (5-0) 🏆Sly Grin (8-1) (with TKL) INTIMIDATED: The Sortis Empire, Xythorion, Bloodsoul, Snow Core: White Berets, The Ascendit Lux ♛ ═════════════════════════ RANK INFO ══════════════════════════ ♛ - LOW RANK + MIDDLE RANK ++ MAX RANK ⚒ DEVELOPER ✰ HIGH RANK ★ NOT ON HIERARCHY ♛ ═════════════════════════ JOIN TODAY! ══════════════════════════ ♛ Our conquest continues, as we influence and teach many how to fight. Join our communication server to fully join Enshrined!