Da Hood Former Stars

Roblox Group

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3 years ago
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1 year ago
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55 minutes ago


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only ranking you in group if you're currently in the stars group or if there's a current active non deleted log in the stars server, evidence nowadays can be so easily fabricated that's the only way I can rank people now
2 months ago


-This group is to recognize and give props to the people who made the biggest accomplishment in Da Hood, which is obtaining a star.
- Everyone in this group has at one point in time had a star next to their name in Da Hood. It doesn't matter how long they have had it for or how they got it all that matters is they had a star. 
-Getting a star in Da Hood is one of the biggest accomplishments imaginable because thousands thrive to get one but only few succeed, everyone in this group is the most well known, hard working, and skilled players in Da Hood. 
-Treat these players with the highest amount of respect because they are the ones that made it to the big leagues when we only accepted few out of tens of thousands attempting. 
-Want to get a star yourself? join .gg/stars and check the requirements channel and start up your grind.
- If I don't accept you into group and you had a star before, please dm me with proof, having a star next to your name isn't proof anymore because of swagmode.


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