THUNDER SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION "No Experiment is Unethical" Founded in 1950, TSC has specialized in biological, nuclear, and medical research for the past 90 years. Applications are currently open for Site-02, Windy Creek Research Institute. Located in Lake Superior, WCRI offers a wide variety of positions from maintenance, research, and security. TSC is one of the few research foundations tasked by the US government to reintegrate federal inmates back into society, in return for their ■■■■■■ willing participation in research towards the cure as the outbreak has left it unable to maintain it's prisons. Facility accommodations include personnel housing, fresh meals, fake grass, adequate shelter from raids, warhead strikes, and the outside world. Despite it's age, WCRI boasts state of the art transport, security, and communications systems. No we aren't replacing it, no we aren't underfunded. Stop asking. Engineer the future, apply today! Glory to TSC