Digimon World

Roblox Group

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10 years ago
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4 months ago
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4 months ago


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Our new project has officially been announced to be the Magical world of 'Arcana Avenue'! If you wish to stay up to date on our new project, please join that group instead. You can find it in our Affiliates section.
4 years ago


Due to Roblox getting more strict with copyright issues - we've had to make the tough decision to shut this game down. 
We're working on a replacement project, which your early access + perks will carry on to.
Please check out our social links in this group if you wish to stay up to date on our new project; Arcana Avenue! This new game's group is also listed in our 'Allies' on this page.

Simple group-rules; 
We have a 3-post limit, which means that you cannot post more than 3 times in a row, without any posts from other people in between.This is simply to prevent flooding. 

Please read back a few pages if you have a question;it's very possible it has already been answered. 

Other than that; keep it civil, if you're being rude or are excessively spamming; expect either a warning or an exile from the group.


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