Welcome to the meme community! Here we do memes. Here is some rules you should follow. // RULES \\ Rule 1 - No spamming, doing this is a mute or exile. Rule 2 - No bullying, be nice. Rule 3 - No inappropriate words. Rule 4 - No excessive racial slurs. Rule 5 - No self advertising. Rule 6 - No admin abusing or any sort of that. Rule 7 - No blackmails. Rule 8 (Applying to admins.) - No admin abusing or random ranking. RULE 9 - No loopholes, use common sense. Doing this is a exile. // End of rules \\ ---- - - - ---- RANKS: (EX) - Ex stands for Executive, which is a high ranking with power to everything. (SA) - SA Stands for Senior Administrator, which is a high ranking administrative. More power then a normal administrator. (A) - A stands for Administrator. Same as mod. (ME) - ME stands for Member. A regular memer :) Thanks for joining.