Hello this is the offcial adopt me custom pet support group, In this group you can report all kind of stuff, follow the steps and we will try to help you as soon as possible. [STEP 1] It works the following, you choose one of the following categories. -Ban request [reporting someone] -Pet requests [for example getting a pet back after you’ve been scammed] -Bug report -Suggestions [pet ideas -Other [STEP 2] put the information in the following template. Template 1. [for bug reports, suggestions and other] My name is:...[username] I’m reporting...[put in one of the categories] [explain what happened] ______________________________ Template 2 [ for pet request only] My name is.... [username] I’m requesting.... [insert the pets you’re requesting] [explain why ur requesting a pet, for example you got hacked] _______________________________ Template 3 [ban requests only] My name is..... [username] I’m reporting [full user] [explain why]