NASCAR Fantasy League

Roblox Group

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10 years ago
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4 months ago
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2 days ago


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bobber wins phoenix with the first perfect pick of the season of 149 points for 110 robux and 20 bonus robux. runner up- smarmy. 3rd- winnerrace. top picks were 20, 24, 11. bonus picks for vegas
2 days ago


For standings join the dis. Welcome to NASCAR Fantasy. To play you must make 3 picks for each cup series race for who you think will get the most points. Picks should be different than those that have already been chosen, if you do take the same 3 picks as someone who already has them, you get a penalty of 10, another 5 if your the 3rd to make those picks and so on, and are ineligible for robux for that race. There is a "perfect pick" bonus of 20 robux if your 3 picks are the top 3 based off of points for the race. Prizes for each race are at least 110 unless said otherwise with a runner up prize 20% and 3rd place 10% of the race prize. Picks for the next race must be made after the current race day up until race time, if you pick for the next race on the day of another your picks won't count. Points add up all season long for a jackpot prize at the end. I, nometrc, as group owner plays but is ineligible for robux, so if I win a race the robux goes to 2nd place and runner up to 3rd


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Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Chart context menu?New MembersNov '24Dec '24Jan '25Feb '25Mar '25Nov '24Jan '25Mar '25-2-101231w1m3mAll

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