Attack on Titan Wings of Freedom

Roblox Group

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10 years ago
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2 years ago
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Yeet on em guys
5 years ago


This group is for Attack On Titan [ALPHA] [Trost Revamped] the game by films.
Elites: If you get a rank ingame, and then get promoted to that rank (by having a captain confirm you) then you get Elite rank ingame (Shifters need perm shift).

~~Test~~ Military police test

Military Police: Defend inside the walls. 

Stationary Guard: Defend titans climbing the walls, and districts.

Scouting Legion: Go on missions outside the wall, to defeat titans outside. Also defend the districts.

~~~~Flare meanings~~~~
Red - This lets everyone know that the mission has been terminated, be it successfully or failed
Black - A titan, or deviant Type Titan spotted.
Purple - An emergency of some kind.
Blue - An order to retreat.
Green - This lets everyone know the missions was  successfully done.
Yellow - Change direction of the formation: Fired by the commander in one direction to indicate a change in the direction, and then rep


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