Shutdown. 12 wars won, 30+ activity, some technology that was arguably some of the best in the Sword Community at one point, and a relevant, if not top 15SF clan all throughout 2015-2016. Thank you for the memories and everyone who participated in making the community a great part of my childhood, even with all the ups and downs. What some of you may not know is that this was made during a dark time in my personal life, and all of you helped me get through it, we made a fantastic community in the process that keeps in touch even years after this group was shut down. Beat: Team Clout, Burn Legion, Lightning Legion, Roblox Commando Infantry, RUSF, NEKRO, The Kokuhaku, The Aphian Forces, Sand Syndicate, Blood Rain, Velaxaria Legion, Imnicus Legion. 2014-2019