The Atlantis Corporation Water Park Link- Discord Server ID- 7c2quCD From the Founders and Dev's Of Roblox Atlantis Water Park, We present to you The Atlantis Corporation. This group is used to provide a idea of what jobs you can receive and apply for at Roblox Atlantis Water Park. Owner Of Roblox Atlantis Water Park- TypicallyTarget Head Developer- TypicallyGreen_er Full Group Description Coming Soon Owner- TypicallyTarget Group Holder- Typically_Blue Recently News/Announcement's: We are in the middle of a large revamp to our water park. The Structures are finished but slides and other rides within the park are still being worked on you can enjoy some of the current features that our park has to offer but if you see a fence with the Words This area is closed or Pardon Our Dust that means that, That current area is closed and being revamped. Our dev's are work