Hello guys, welcome to my group! When I get the time I make clothes from different fandoms :) THX for 800+ members!! Rules: -Don’t be rude- be kind to each other ^^ -Please no spamming ^^’ -No advertising -No asking for robux -No sending links in chat (for safety purposes) -PLEASE don’t steal my clothing and “arrange” it to make it seem like you didn’t. I will report you and inform my group about the stealing clothing if I find out. I honestly did not expect my group to grow this much, but I hope you all enjoy yourselves and get to know one another! I'll do my best to keep making clothes inspired by games, shows, and other stuff. Also, I am unable to create accessories for people who want them.' I rarely know anything about 3d modeling, and in order to publish one, I need to be a member of the UGCS, as well as have permission from the game's author.