Welcome to Animoshika! This is a anime and manga group which has QOTD’s, clothing, and profile themes. (Send ally requests) Get ranked up by being active! We are pretty carefree of rules just don’t spam advertise or just spam anything. Just have common sense. Don't spoil animes! <*Ranks*> ~Anime watcher= Automatically get when you join~ ~Anime liker=1 QOTD answered~ ~Anime addict= Multiple QOTDs answered~ ~Manga reader = Multiple QOTDs answered + has one of our themes displayed on profile~ ~Manga collector = Bought one of our shirts.~ ~Manga hoarder = Bought two of our shirts. ~ ~Manga god~ ~Anime god=Choose one when have bought 5 shirts ~Senpai~=Bought all of Animoshikas clothing. (Discarding donation options)~ ~Donator = Bought any donation pass to help for future giveaways and more clothing.~ Thanks to all helpers for taking their time to help me keep this group awesome! <3 ~To be ranked to donator say “!rank” inventory must be open~ ~Taking theme suggestions~