This is the Robloxian Bacon Hair Empire, our anthem: BACON BACON OVER EVERYTHING!! OVER EVERYTHING IN ROBLOXIA!! WE MARCH INTO WAR FOR OUR GREAT LEADER!! WE SHALL GIVE OUR LIVES FOR THE BACON LAND!!! BACON BACON OVER EVERYTHING!! OVER EVERYTHING IN ROBLOXIA!! Rules: you must obey the Supreme leader at all times, you cant be a slender, ro gangster, cnp, preppy salad hair, baddie, softie, furry etc, you should be active in the group (you wont be punished if you are in active but it would best if you just leave the group if you are inactive), you must hate all slenders and other toxic people, you must respect or be a bacon hair, you must attend as many meetings in our game as you can, the rest of the rules are kind of obvious so I dont need to put them here.