|{The New Era RolePlay Group}|

Roblox Group

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3 years ago
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2 years ago
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2 weeks ago


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I havent been here in years-
3 weeks ago


Hello, hello people of all ethnicities! This is a Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition RolePlay group. We host our RolePlay (The New Era) every other day at 6:15pm est. We hope everyone can get along! 

 •NO POWER PLAYING. Be fair with fights, if you get injured (fatally) please act like it. For example: The Tom broke the bone of blah blah blah, you should be injured and yea. 

•ASK FOR PERMISSION BEFORE INJURING OR KI//ING. This is a problem that happens a lot within the community, please just ask for perms before doing any attacking. 

•THERE ARE NO CLANS. Clan have been gone for 20 years, do not try to make clans etc. 

•GROUPS. You may create a group or team with 4 other people. The maximum of cats in a group is 5.

 •TERRITORY. In this RolePlay territory is NOT a thing, you may claim a spot and defend it- but you do not own it and may even have to leave it. Thank You! -Mother Crystal


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