[ABOUT] Welcome to the tails army, the army of the foxes. Tails Army is a military roleplay group founded on December 31, 2021. - EDITED ON 1/10/25 - The following section no longer applies anymore because the game has been discontinued. [HOW TO PASS TRAINING] If your rank is Recruit [OR-1], you need to go to Tails Military Base and pass it in order to get ranked to Private [OR-2]. [COMMUNICATIONS] Join are dizzy server, follow us and subscribe to us. [WARNING!] Do not disrespect the army alot, if you do that, outta the army ya go. READ THE RULES PLEASE. (stays) 1. YOU CAN advertise other groups, if you spam, we will kick you out of this group. 2. Dont even think about spamming, we will just kick ya out. 3. Please do not beg for higher roles. If you do, then kick out. 4. If your a higher then the role Recruit [OR-1] and break the rules, we will send you down a role. These rules are important. Dont just ignore them. [PLEASE NOTE: This is also a fan club. Feel free to join!]