Honua "Blended for you to enjoy!” 📜About Us Established in early 2024, Honua serves a wide variety of exquisite foods and soft drinks. Ranging from a warm, mouthwatering pastry to an ice cold fountain drink, we serve our customers with joy. Our chefs, cashiers, trainees, and baristas take time our of their day to serve our customers and staff. Each and every order is prepared with love and warmth to ensure success and happiness. 📋Careers We may have applications out in our communications server. Another way you can obtain a job is by visiting our job center! This is open 24/7 and you will be automatically ranked if you pass! 🔊Communication Our communications server is the place where sessions and events are announced! You can also communicate with staff or ask questions. 🔨Development As of now, we are focusing on hiring staff, you can always come back here to see if any new games are released. © Honua Corporation, 2024