👋Hello and welcome to this group. Please read the rules before you start posting on the wall 📃.Check the group frequently for more clothing :) ------------------------------------------ 📜The rules: 1: ⚠️no harrasing or bullying other members⚠️ 2: ⛔dont be innopropriate⛔ 3: 🚫no spamming 🚫 4 📛 no scamming📛 5: ⚠️only advertise with my permission⚠️ 6: 📄no copying📄 Breaking any of these rules will result in being muted for two days if you do it another time you will be exiled ------------------------------------------- How to get higher ranks: 👤Follower👤: follow sunks roblox account ✨supporter✨ bought 1 or more clothes 💫VIP💫: bought 3 or more clothes. 💯Ultra vip💯: bought 5 or more clothes. 🕗Rank changing can take a while so please be patience🕗. ------------------------------------------ 💡If you have any ideas for games or clothing feel free to leave them on the wall, I'll also credit you💡