IMPORTANT: Ranking can take up to 24 hours or more! Welcome to The Robloxian Veterans! Our purpose is to recognize veterans, discuss old Roblox and reminisce and share our memories and experiences we've had over the years. In this group, we have four different ranks to categorize the generations of veterans. - The classic OG players, the oldest generation (2006-2010) - The older based players, the middle-aged generation (2011-2015) - The active players, the experienced generation (2016-2020) - The newest players, the noob or newborn generation (2021-2022) Generational cutoffs are determined with percentages as the definition of "old" always changes with time. We will only rank accounts based on join date; old accounts and guest playtime do not count unless you have proof of an older account. You can show your older account on the group wall or by messaging me privately.