The Arcane Group of Korea 저희 아케인은 Gun클랜이며 모든 총킷을 주로사용하며 여러가지 총킷을 배우고싶어하는분들을 받고있습니다 Our arcane mainly wants Gun clans and GUNS, and we want people who want to quit GUNS. 실력자들도 받고있으니 자신이 FPS에 관심이있거나 FPS를 배우고싶다면 그룹가입 요청후 disco 커뮤니티를 가입해주세요 We are also accepting talented people, so if you are interested in FPS or want to learn FPS, please join the disco community after requesting to join the group. (주로하는건 ACS,FE 또는 크리미날리티합니다.) (Mostly ACS,FE or Criminality)