Hello, welcome to CHILLZ FAN GROUP. This isnt the official chillz group. you can buy my things to prove that you are a real chillz fan! I would appreciate it if you would. Real chillz group is called Chillz' Pro Gamers. Table of contents: ✨chillz fans❤️-First joined the group and you are chillz fan! ✨❤️donaters❤️✨-If you buy the mega mega mega mega chillz fan you will be on this role ⭐️❤️✨winners⭐️❤️✨-Everytime we get to a goal I will be spinning the wheel and whoever lands on gets robux(goal 10000 members and you gotta be in the the 1-10k and not over the 10k mark and i will be using my revenue to donate, need rbx:)⭐️✨❤️first members 0-10❤️✨⭐️-The first 10 people to join my group(one of the hardest roles to get, be proud your a mega fan). ❤️✨✨⭐️ friends(online) ⭐️✨✨❤️- This is hard to get because i barely add people and i only add them if they did something amazing like helping me ✨❤️real life friends/school u have to know my irl and be friends with me(hardest role to get currently).