Dominating Life sentence Code: 14355415ee (without the ee) How to rank up: To get ranked you must 1v1 Foreign after that you will then need to put FM_ in your display name. Tryout ——-> Division 3 | • Members in this rank are usually below average in terms of pvp Division 3 ——-> Division 2 | • You must prove your loyalty and be above average in pvp Division 2 ——-> Division 1 | • you must prove your loyalty and skills in pvp, Must be a part of the top 10% in terms of pvp skills Division 1 ——-> Division Leader | • Only 3 members of the entire mob can be division leaders, in the case of one getting demoted or retiring then there will be a tournament held between all the division 1’s and the winner gets div leader 《 Rules 》 1. Stick With Mafia Members 2. Listen To And Respect Higher ranks 3. Hitting/Killing Other Members Or Allies Will NOT Be Tolerated 4. No traitorous act will be tolerated 5. Obey The boss