1. No harassment or discrimination of people for race, religion, #########, gender identity, or any other aspect of who they are. 2. No #### content or discussion. 3. No escalating things outside the game. e.g. character attacks, death threats, doxxing, leveraging private info, blackmailing, hacking, DDoS'ing, etc. Posting IPs will get you banned, regardless of it being a joke or not. 4. Using this server to advertise any trades or exchanges for Robux or real world currency is strictly prohibited. You may also be punished for conducting or associating with these activities outside this server. 5. No spreading links or promoting ######## that break the rules. 6. No spamming/ping rioting. 7. Moderators reserve the right to delete and moderate messages in the ####### that may be harmful to another member or group in the community. 8. Dont beg for rank up. 9. Dont killed ︱allied 10. If you message anyone that's a high rank about ranking them; You will get muted or 3 warnings