Welcome to WHIGG! (Wild Horse Islands Giveaway Group). This is an unofficial WHI fan group dedicated to giving horses (in WHI) to others! IMPORTANT 1. If you enter a giveaway please be patient (we have to rank you manually) 2. Be prepared to friend the staff if you win. 3. If you are an allies/supporter please remind us to rank you to the right role after the giveaway. Next giveaway is at 600 members! Group ad is located in the staff group if you want to advertise (2nd group on my profile) Any questions? Ask on the wall! Group rules: 1. Be respectful to everyone. 2. Advertising is only allowed ONCE per person per day. ONLY if you are ranked allies or higher. 3. No posting scam links. 4. No talking about the LGBTQ+ (Might be offensive to others) Break one of these rules= 1 day mute Want to rank up!? -Buy the merch (Supporter) -Be very active (Very active) -Send an allie request from your horse group (Allie) Upcoming Giveaways! 600 members: Pumpkin 625 members: Peppermint