Polar’s Applications

Roblox Group

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2 years ago
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Applications have now closed. Thank you all for applying! Results will be shared shortly. If you were accepted, you will recieve a friend request or a message from me.
2 weeks ago


1. Why have you decided to apply for PPD?
2. What makes you stand out against other applicants? 
3. What qualities do you have as a staff member that will benefit the group?
4. State your WC:UE staff experiences. 
5. If you were accepted, how many malls would you be able to attend per week?
6. Are you able to advertise whilst in-game, during a mall, and regularly?
7. Do you have a server? 
8. Would you be able to host for PPD? How many days of the week are you available to host? 
9. On a scale from 1-10, how well are you able to deal with conflict in a mall session? 
10. Say that someone has joined Windclan and is refusing to leave the team. How would you deal with the situation? 
11. Are you prone to retiring easily? If life events happen, would you leave? 
12. Do you agree to be working here long-term? We do not accept “summer” staff.
13. Do you have 💿rd? 
14. What is your timezone?
15. Do you agree that if you slack off, or are inactive; you are prone to demotion?


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