A Robloxain group of exploiters known as Red Smilings, hack games for fun and all types of stuff, their leader known as RedSmile makes the rules here. If you want to be a Red Smiling Massage me and we will interview you. You need to be able to use exploits. Everything expect for happymod. Rule ## Do not be cringe, do not pretend to be a hacker we already know ur ah is fake like the love from your parents. Rule ## Don't advertise on the group. Rule ## Don't pretend to be a red smiling or my sibling idk. Rule ## Before calling me fake Do some research on us. We exploit games and beamed a popular exploiter UnseenPost. We also d*x and put backdoors on pcs using some method on the beaming victims. Rule ## Don't make random fake alts join the group it's getting kinda annoying. Rule ## If you break any the rules you get the pending role.