[MK] mike's kingdom

Roblox Group

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2 years ago
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8 months ago
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9 hours ago


(I read every group wall post and audit log)
🤔 Have you ever wanted to join a nation that spends 90% of their government budget on their military? Are you tired from military groups that have hard divisions and complicated stuff? Are you bored of strict militaries and their boring training sessions? Do you love the feeling of ranking up without hardwork? Have you ever wanted a nation that the only active player is its owner? Well this is the right place for you!

🌟 Welcome to Mike's Kingdom! The nation of having less than 5 great soldiers in the army, the great view of dead servers with less than 10 players, the totally amazing staff that surely are active and competent, the people that randomly leave the group and the smell of power abuse and corruption! Instantly join the group and become part of the army, simple as that right?

💣 INFO: How do you join the army? Well simply join the server and request to get ranked as a recruit, or just simply spam in the group wall and ask!


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