Welcome to Pancake’s Cafe ☕️, We accept all allie requests if you want to be allies just send us a request and it will be accepted you will also get a special role 👀 Application: https://www.roblox.com/games/refer?PlaceId=12229901720&PageType=GroupDetail&LocalTimestamp=%7BlocalTimestamp%7D ⚠️Rules: 🔴Follow Roblox TOS and Guidelines. 🔴Don’t be rude or bully anyone. 🔴Don’t talk about religion or race etc. 🔴Don’t advertise without permission I will most likely say yes. 🎮GAME: https://www.roblox.com/games/refer?PlaceId=15330625075&PageType=GroupDetail&LocalTimestamp=%7BlocalTimestamp%7D *Any ideas feel free to let me know @Underrated_civilian or the group wall*