Hi! I’m Lemon, and welcome to my Roblox group! ꒰ Rules ꒱ {✧} Please read the FAQ before asking questions ♡ {✧} No advertising other groups or channels {✧} Keep trading to a minimum {✧} No targeting people/asking others to report people {✧} No negativity, being disrespectful, or personal drama {✧} No chain messages (ex. copy past this message…) ꒰ FAQ ꒱ ➢ Can I friend you? No, I don’t friend people. ➢ Can I be in a video? If I mention I’m hosting a video or live, then yes. Otherwise, you just gotta be in the right place at the right time. ➢ Can I play with you? Sometimes I’ll turn my joins on randomly for followers or during a stream! You can join if that’s the case. ➢ Can I give you a gift? While I appreciate the thought, I no longer accept gifts. ➢ Will you tour my petting zoo? No, I usually tour them depending on the season or randomly. ➢ Can you enable comments? Maybe someday, but as of now I’m not allowed to. ➢ Can you do a face reveal? No