"We love drills and communism" A faction that insists on giving everyone that perfect smile for absolutely free. And they have all the drills and military equipment that they need to get there. The Dentists generally prefer a balance of forces, though they LOVE helicopters. (That is why the Dentist air force is entirely helicopters). The Dentists generally prefer to remain neutral-ish, unless someone refuses to accept their dental plan or makes candy. The Capitalists and Lawns STRONGLY believe in their own capitalist dental plans, which is why the Dentist military does not like them. (Other factions just agreed to take the free dental) Relations: Capitalists: Enemies Princesses: Neutral Wolves: Neutral Lawn: Enemies Captains: Allies Official HappyWolfy studios group: https://web.roblox.com/groups/7919662/HappyWolfy-Studios#!/about Games that they are in: (more will come) Destroy The Ship: https://web.roblox.com/games/6873104649/Destroy-The-Ship#!/game-instances