☆ Your #1 hotspot for the freshest Splatoon clothes !! くコ:彡 ☆ [ currently a multi-fandom group focusing on primarily Splatoon clothes !! Though, various fandom clothing is being made recently. :3] Whether you're a seasoned squidkid in Inkopolis Plaza, a newbie to Splatsville, or anywhere in between in Inkopolis Square; we've got only the most fashionable gear !! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ You think you're fresh? Prove it! Raise your freshness level by buying gear and earn special titles! * Joining the Group - Squidkid ☆ * 1 Piece of Gear - Dry ☆ * 5 Pieces of Gear - Raw ☆ * 10 Pieces of Gear - Fresh ☆ * 15 Pieces of Gear - SUPERFRESH ☆ * 50 Pieces of Gear - SUPER-DUPER-FRESH !! ☆ ☆ OK, That's enough of the basics. Get out there and get Splattin' !! Stay Fresh, Don't Get Cooked, and we'll Catch You Later !! (o゜▽゜)o ☆ ↑ if we need to change or take anything offsale, please message us!! we are very open and willing to communicate, and it is preferred. thank you so much!! ↑