Sobia Games

Roblox Group

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2 years ago
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Tracked Since
8 months ago
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2 hours ago


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(The game is broken for now) To play "Euphoria Blood Engine Remake" join the group! Link:
6 months ago


Welcome to Sobia Games! 

Discord invite link: rbqZk3DDP7

1. Respect Others: Treat everyone with respect, kindness, and empathy. Discrimination, harassment, hate speech, or bullying of any kind will not be tolerated.

2. Be Civil: Discussions and debates are welcome, but keep them civil and constructive. Avoid personal attacks, insults, or inflammatory language.

3. Stay on Topic: Try to keep discussions relevant to the current topic or channel. If you want to discuss something else, consider starting a new thread or moving to an appropriate channel.

4. No Spamming: Don't flood the group wall with repeated messages, advertisements, or irrelevant content. Respect everyone's time and space.

5. Protect Privacy: Don't share personal information about yourself or others without consent. Respect people's privacy and boundaries.

6. Report Issues: If you encounter any violations of the rules or behavior that makes you uncomfortable, report it to the moderators or administrators.


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