Black Rose Initiative (Petalisma Prytossia) ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ● After a Nuclear War and Deadly Disease wiped out most of the Earth population, somewhere in the outskirts of Russia. You are located in-between Vlasova and the Wasteland. An organization called the Black Rose Initiative once served the great Prytossian regime, now the only thing close enough to a country. It is the Zion period, and life is hard and life is terrible. but our goal is to make sure we serve duty to restore modern civilization and crush those who stand as foes. ● Our purpose is dedicated to ensuring the safety of the nation's people, with Divisions, land, air, special ops, and research. The BRI crushes anyone or anything opposing us, be it infected, insurgents, or everyday criminals, we are here and fighting for you. . ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Vadem Prytossia! Glory to the BRI!