People's Chinese Dictatorship

Roblox Group

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2 years ago
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1 year ago
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9 hours ago


We are the sole and unpredicted nation throughout the Earth. We are the ones who take the throne, the ones who destroy those who rise, and the ones who turn the weak into ashes and cold bone. We are undefeated, and unpredictable all the time so our enemies will not see us lurking. There is no “I” in this group, it is We, with all people to be united and equal.
Wars Won: 12 (PCD)
Wars Won: 6 (WRP)
Wars Lost: 0
Raids Successful: 7
Puppet States: 13

Languages: Chinese and English

Party: CCP

You must celebrate Lunar New Year for EVERY year or else you will get thrown into the Beijing Confinement Facility for a day.

Do not rebel against the group.

Respect higher roles than you, especially the mighty Colonel without question.

If you betray, you will have lifelong regrets…..
Time Zone: EST
Allied Nations: 62

“You can run from your problems, but they will catch up to you eventually”


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